Keeps track of the current Kubernetes version across notable distributions

Maintained by mhausenblas GitHub Pages, theme by mattgraham

This site keeps track of the currently supported Kubernetes version(s) across notable distributions. We will try to keep this list updated after every minor Kubernetes upstream release, that is, for example, 1.11 to 1.12. Note that if you happen to be responsible for one of the below listed distributions and spot an inaccuracy, please PR this page or raise an issue so that we can get it fixed. Also, new additions are welcome.

The current Kubernetes version, as of 2018-12-10, is 1.13.

In alphabetical order, the current supported version in the Kubernetes distributions—with SLO being the Service Level Objective, put in other words the goal to hit and Type as per CNCF’s Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program—are:

Distribution Current Valid as of SLO Type
Azure Kubernetes Service AKS 1.11 ? 30 days after upstream, subject to the stability of the release hosted
Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes EKS 1.10 ? No SLO or public plans re upgrades hosted
Google Kubernetes Engine GKE 1.10 (1.11)A 2018-11-01 See versioning and upgrades docs hosted
OKD 1.11 2018-10-11 bound to upstream release cycle, one version behind to fix known post-release issues vendor
Red Hat OpenShift Online Starter 1.11 2018-10-05 same as OKD hosted


(A) While 1.10 is the default, 1.11 is available.

For a complete list, covering all certified Kubernetes distributions, see the Kubernetes Distributions & Platforms list maintained by CNCF.

You might be wondering why the FQDN of this site is … well, the cool kids these day don’t say “What’s up” but “sup”, for short. Since this site is all about what’s currently up (and available) in Kubernetes distros, I thought this is an appropriate name. Yeah, I know, Michael should really not be allowed to name things ;)